
Learned something new today. I learned how to create an original barcode and paste onto my magazine. i had to ask Kayla for help because she already did hers and I didn't know how to do it. She told me to look up "Original barcode generator" and click on the second website that showed up ( I was so lost on the website Kayla had to walk me through the whole thing. On the right hand side of the magazine there were different barcode options to choose from and i chose "GS1 DataBar". I never knew how many barcode options there were, but I was overwhelmed. There were so many GS1 options and I kept going until I found "GS1-DataBar Limited". It generated the barcode and gave me the option to type my own number for the barcode. I kept it how it was because I didn't want to mess anything up. I saved the barcode to my computer and went back onto Joomag and pasted it. I moved it around and played with it until I got the size and place I wanted it.

I didn't know making a barcode was so easy, it literally took 2 minutes. Without Kayla's help I probably wouldn't be able to do it and maybe even forget I had to put a barcode.. oops. At least I did it and now I don't have to worry about. Talk to you guys later.

Here is what my magazine looks like so far with my barcode:


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