New ideas

It's been a little bit, but I'm back. After awhile I've finally decided on what my double page spread is going to be about. I was literally laying in bed at 12 in the morning and the idea and title just came to me. I realized I needed something that would attract a large audience and because mine is about being healthy and working out, aiming towards women would be the best choice. I narrowed it down to attracting high school and college girls. The title I decided on was "Stressed out? Work it out!". This title just came to me when I was laying in bed and it stuck. It rhymes and is really catchy so people will be attracted to it. It will especially attract high school and college girls because they are the ones who stress the most. Trying to cope with school, extra curriculars, working out, and a job. This will help them be able to fit in a quick and successful workout while still being able to have time for everything else.

My double page spread will include an article of the stress these girls go through and how difficult it is to cope with all their responsibilities. It will include an example of a high school student I will interview asking her how she gets everything done and what she can't get done. Asking her how difficult it is to find time to do her extra activities like working out. Then I will include a step by step at home workout that is quick, easy, and works. It will be an ab workout because most girls worry about their chubby stomach.

I've already brainstormed on what to put on my front cover and it will either be an acai bowl or an ice cold drink with fruit popsicles. I'll probably decide today.

Talk to you guys later .


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