Ab workout

For the other half of my double page spread it will be 6 easy ab workouts that you can fit in during your busy day. I began looking up different ab workouts and which are most effective. I workout a lot and I enjoy doing abs so I already know many ab workouts and which ones are effective which helped. I chose to do 30-50 mountain climbers. I did a range of numbers because everyone is different and 30 may be too easy for some people while 50 can be a lot. I want the people to feel that they can do it at their own pace. The second workout is 20-40 bicycle crunches. The third workout is 20-30 sitting twist. For this one i will add an optional use of weight. Either you can just use your hands as the weight or hold a ball that weighs 6,8,10 pounds depending how easy or hard it is for you. The fourth workout is 20-30 lying heel touches. This one stands out from the rest because instead of working out your direct core this workouts your side flabs. Getting rid of the fat on the side of your belly that everyone hates. The fifth workout is 10-12 leg raises. This will be one of the most difficult ab workouts out of all of them. The sixth and last workout is a 45-60 second plank. Each workout on the double page spread will include a number next to it, the name of the workout, a picture of the position of the workout, and a brief description on how to do it. That's all the ideas I have for now. Talk to you guys later.

P.S. This picture is one of my inspirations on how to make my magazine look.


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