
In class the other day I decided to write my double page spread. I had Kayla help me come up with interview questions and how I should start it. I actually began to make a lot of progress. I wrote the introduction to the double page spread and five questions to ask during the interview. Then I had to start thinking how i would lay out the double page spread. I didn't want to write "I asked" and "She responded" over and over again because that'd be very annoying to readers, so I went online and looked up examples of magazines. One magazine really stood out to me and gave me the idea of how I will write my double page spread. This is what my inspiration was:

 I really liked how they bolded the questions and gave them a different font with the answers underneath. This makes it easier for readers to read it and understand the flow.

After writing my intro and analyzing my layout, I moved on to my table of contents. I kind of forgot about the whole table of contents until Kayla reminded me in class. Don't know what'd I do without her! I was able to come up with 5 different headlines to include in the table of contents and I chose page numbers that were a range in number. For example, one page I wrote as page 12 and another is page 53. This shows that I have a vision for the whole magazine.

My cover page is mostly finished the only thing missing is the cover image and one headline on it. My group wanted to keep the cover pages simple with not a lot of writing so we decided to only write one. The headline I will put on my cover page is my double page spread article, "Stressed out? WORK IT OUT!" So far my cover page looks like this:

Once I take my pictures I just have to put my cover image there and type the headline and it will be done. Once I finish my cover page I'll show you guys what it looks like, talk to you later.


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