I don't know

I have been kind of overwhelmed lately with everything and this project. I know I need to get this done and I will, but I just am at a point where I don't know what to do. I try and start my pictures, but then I decide to write my double page spread first, and then I go back to my cover page again. I have been very indecisive lately and can't concentrate on one thing. I guess you can say I'm in a writers block because I know what I want to write for my double page spread I just don't know how o say it or word it or even start it. I think I just need to take a break, step out for awhile and clear my head. I'll probably try to start writing the double page spread tonight and finish by the end of the week, so then I can take my pictures this weekend. Well I'll keep you guys updated, talk to you later.


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