
So I've finally was able to take my pictures. On Monday i had Andrea come to my house afterschool to take pictures. She didn't have many work out clothes, so I had to let her borrow some of mine. I gave her black leggings and I decided on a bright yellow shirt because it really gave off the summer mood. Since we didn't have a gym available to go and take pictures, we improvised and I decided to take the pictures at my neighborhood park on the basketball court. It seemed like a good setting because it is outside and also shows an exercise area. It was a perfect day to take pictures because it was extremely sunny. I had to edit the cover image so it looked a tad bit brighter, but I didn't have to do much.

Pictures didn't take that long, only about a half an hour. I also took the pictures for the ab workout examples on the basketball court as well. It was quick and easy and was able to get everything done. The only thing that slowed down my picture process were my two dogs. Sounds kind of funny, but it's true. I had to take them both with me to take the pictures and I wasn't really sure what to do with them. I couldn't hold them while I was taking the pictures because they would just get in the way and not stop moving. Eventually I found a spot to tie up their leashes so I could keep an eye on them, but also so that they wouldn't run into the pictures.

At the beginning of taking pictures, it was a little difficult to come up with the right pose for the cover. We had a couple fail attempts, but in the end we got the perfect one. Here are some pictures that weren't quite the best, and when we were still trying to figure out the right pose:

 After these few trials we finally got a good one:

If it wasn't for Andrea's help i honestly don't know what I'd do. In the end everything worked and I was able to get my cover page up. I'll talk to you guys later.


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